We got the contract for building the house signed on Monday (whoo-hoo!). To celebrate, we... well... uuhmmmm... I can't tell you quite yet, but you can see for yourself within a few weeks.
If I could redirect you attention, there is other things that are afoot. The major thing that is going on right now is a new home for us Leus on the web:
You may have noticed (or read the previous explanatory post) that going to projectokc.blogspot.com redirected you automatically to blog.displacedsocalers.com. This was one small move out of many to integrate all our information and pictures into a central location.
A quick tour of what you will find:
On the Home Page

You will notice some new branding at the very top, with the phrase "Welcome to a new EXPERIENCE". This picture will become the main logo for all of our web properties. Underneath that, you will see a similar blurb of introduction. Following that are links to the latest posts on the blog and a link to our Google+ Profile. And finally, you will see a few recommendations on some reading content from our sponsors who funded the purchase of this new domain.
There are multiple pages that you can access via the menu bar above the header picture, but there is one I want to point out to you first and foremost. (The others you can explore on you own time, as they are fairly self explanatory.)
Home Building Status

On this page, you can see what exactly is going on with the building of our house. The current status reflects what is currently being worked on. Underneath that, there is a timeline that shows what is going on and what is expected to take how long. Finally, underneath the Multimedia header you will find photos and videos of our house being built.
If you are a "creature of habit" and can't seem to change your online browsing habits, don't worry about missing out on all this. Posts right here will link to this page with a few photos. However, most of the photos are going to be hosted on our website and not this blog.
I encourage you to go and explore our new website. If there is something that is confusing, let me know right here in the comments. Have fun, and I hope you will enjoy.
a Displaced SoCaler
A quick note: going to www.displacedsocalers.com will result in you being warned that is a beta website. Use the links in this post to override this warning or you can just click on the link that will let you continue at the bottom of the page.
Look's GREAT Kelvin! Keep up the good work and post often on your BLOG!