Saturday, April 28, 2012

House Report, Week 5

This is the report on what has been happening with the construction of the house. Remember, you can get a daily detailed report by following the updates on Google+!  To conserve the space on the blog, you're going to have to click the read more link to get the report.

Apr-23 Monday

No work was done today. Darn that plumber!
Go to Google+ Pictures

Apr-24 Tuesday

The plumber came today and did a whole ton of work. You can see that the basic layout of the piping of the water and sewer lines have been placed. The downside is that the refrigerator line was placed in the wrong area, so they have to move that and place an RO line to it. That should happen tomorrow.

Apr-25 Wednesday

Due to unexpected circumstances, we were not able to visit the property today.
Go to Google+ Pictures

Apr-26 Thursday

Due to unexpected circumstances, we were not able to visit the property today.
Go to Google+ Pictures

Apr-27 Friday

We came out to the property and found that they had moved the fridge line to where it should be. We also note that the city had approved of the work by the green sticker slapped on one of the pipes that would eventually turn out to be the spigot for the front porch area of our house. More work to be done next week!

the Week in Review
We were bad, we know. Unexpected circumstances two days in a row.... horrible reputation now! At any rate, they did do a lot of work and we're glad that they managed to keep doing their jobs, unlike us. We should be able to do our job of reporting the work to you flawlessly next week, so don't give up on us. We'll be reporting on our Google+ feed, so keep an eye on that.

Remember, the blog will not be updated every weekday with pictures, you will have to go to our Google+ page to look at our daily updates. Click the banner at the top of the blog to go!

Also, visit our website to view the timeline for building our house... it provides a good overview of what to expect.

Thanks for following!

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