Sunday, July 1, 2012

House Report, Week 13

This is the report on what has been happening with the construction of the house. Remember, you can get a daily detailed report by following the updates on Google+!  To conserve the space on the blog, you're going to have to click the read more link to get the report.

Hey, just a quick note before we start: most of what's happening right now is better seen than written, so click on the links to check the pictures out!

June 25 Monday

Well, they found our fix list, we found it stapled to a wall. However, we are now questioning their abilty to interpret that fix list and included diagrams, so something may need to be done. Also, we failed inspection on our plumbing. Something about unprotected pipes, unsecured ducts, and low water pressure. Read the notice for yourself, it's in the pics.

June 26 Tuesday

Our solution to our poor, confused electricians was to stick labels at every single switch in the house so that the correct wires go in the correct place. I'm told that they jumped for joy when the developer told them that we were going to do that, apparently they were frustrated with our diagrams and written instructions.

June 27 Wednesday

Lots of work got done today. Everything from the switches to the GFCI outlets to the outside light sockets to the central control room for the data and alarm systems.... except they stuck the wires in the wrong closet. For some reason, they think that control panels need to be in a bedroom closet. Needless to say, we weren't pleased and sent word that we needed to figure out a new plan for all those wires.

June 28 Thursday

They did lots of cleanup today. The house looks completely different when there is not sawdust, wood, nails and other nasty stuff littering the floor. The inspector came back and we got approved! Next step... destination unknown.

June 29 Friday

We came to an agreement and the security team moved the security wires to the closet next door which opens into a closet. The data wires will be moved soon.

the Week in Review

Well, our prediction of being finished with this stage by the end of this week was partially correct. A lot of things have been finalized, but the generator people, the lightning protection people, and the home theatre people need to come in before they seal up the walls. Let's see what happens next! Keep on following us, because this blog will not be dead anytime soon.

Remember, the blog will not be updated every weekday with pictures, you will have to go to our Google+ page to look at our daily updates. Click the banner at the top of the blog to go!

Also, visit our website to view the timeline for building our house... it provides a good overview of what to expect.

Thanks for following!

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